Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 and a half months and going..


ooops, it has been quite a while isnt it? was only updating the wedding blog ever since we set it up and (ahem) i have also neglected it after the wedding happened :P

how's life after the wedding? well i guess i'm still getting used to it :)

it ain't bad at all but i do miss living with my mum - not being able to sit beside her every night, with her watching the tv and me using my laptop. i think (and she has obviously told me) that she feels lonely at home after her work, with my bro being often away, out at sea or taking trips. but i do make it a point to go home every monday when i dont have work and she has her off day. so i sort of hope that this makes up for my absence and that she wont feel too deserted.

other than that, and not feeling the morale at work, life's been good :)

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