Monday, June 11, 2007


someone said i've deserted this place :P
nooooooo, of cos i haven't~~ just being lazy to update.. hehehe

so my last post was about seeking greener pastures.. well, I have indeed switched to another job, but i'm still in the same company :(

to cut the long story short short short:
i tendered my resignation, boss offered me marketing job, i considered the offer, and took it up.

all of my frens were shocked with my decision, because many of them have heard of my endless ramblings in the past.

it was a tough decision to make.... i was seriously sick of the co and the bosses already, but yet this marketing position offers me a stepping stone to the marketing career that i want to embark on. i don't have prior experiences with marketing except for my certs and i'll require a higher pay as compared to fresh grads cos of my 1 yr working experience. Plus, another reason for wanting to quit was because i didn't like the past job scopes..a bit wasting my degree la...

so i had an offer straight in front of me, no need interviews, slight pay increment, good colleagues, 50% bearable bosses, and a chance to jump straight into marketing.
here i am, 1 week plus into the job. still a bit blur here n there and everywhere but i believe i'll enjoy this better then the previous one.

*crosses fingers* wish me luck!!!