some updates:
work's fine so far as marketing, except for the occasional PMSes from the bosses which still makes me boil when it happens.
have gotten tokidoki crazy recently, infected from company's woman 5.0. bought 3 tokidoki lesportsac bags from evilBay, & lesportsac outlet. super pretty la!! will post pictures of them when i get a chance to take pictures :P it's really a lot cheaper to get them in US as compared to the prices locally.. anyway.. i've told myself that 3 is the max, unless i cant withstand temptations next time, but we'll come to that part in a few months time :X
also gotten myself a new toy - Nintendo DS lite in pink!

this baby is keeping my free times fun! train rides home are so bearable now with this time waster~ Ah jie *tempting u* now :P
applied for 3 days leave in October, going to Bangkok for a short holiday with Mr Porky. :) we both miss the shopping and most importantly, Coco walk's buffet which is heavenly good and cheap! also looking forward to Platinum Mall's mango glutinous rice which is oh-so-good.
Can't wait!!