Monday, March 3, 2008

Taxi Commuter's Rant

"From 1 March 2008, taxi drivers can no longer stop to pick up or drop off passengers along all public roads within the CBD between 7 am and 10 pm from Monday to Saturday, other than a public holiday. They should instead do so at taxi stops, taxi stands and driveways of buildings in the CBD.

This measure, which was announced by LTA in November 2007, will help improve the safety of commuters, taxi drivers and other road users as it will reduce the number of taxis driving into bus lanes to pick up passengers or indiscriminately stopping along the roads and disrupting the flow of traffic. This way, public buses which carry more passengers will enjoy a smoother and faster journey."

sheesh... *rolls eye*

as a frequent taxi commuter who probably spends half of my salary (ya lah, slight exaggeration) on taxi fares, i'm darn irritated by this new measure. hey, we have to pay so much and cannot get our taxis wherever we want, and cannot drop off wherever we want as well?!? if i want to take a taxi, it means i DON'T WANT to walk right?!

now if i want to take a taxi from my office, i'll have to cross the irritating overhead bridge over to DBS building for the taxi stand. the fucking %^#$%$%^ overhead bridge's escalator stops after lunch time loh..

promoting road safety? seriously, i think there will be an increase of road accidents due to more people jay-walking to get to the nearest taxi stand. thanks LTA :)



i absolutely detest birds

(both real birds and the one in my office)

animal farm villains are chasing all old comrades away. i guess i should stop procrastinating

but i really am scared of hate interviews.


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